Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of the concepts of PSU’s contribution as a form of corporate responsibility to all stakeholders and the social environment in which the Company is located.
Through social responsibility activities, PSU also supports the goal of sustainable development and improves good relations between the Company and the surrounding environment with the concept of win-win proportion.
The Company’s concern in the CSR agenda is summarized in the Company’s annual event, in the form of commemoration of Islamic, Christian and others. This manifests itself in the form of giving cash handouts, food, education facilities for orphanage children, donations for natural disasters and distribution of sacrificial meat to the mosque.
Below are the CSR events held by the Company to the foster home “Yayasan Kasih Mandiri Bersinar” on December 6 & 13, 2019. This is a shelter for abandoned children who are managed by Catholic Sisters, which located at Pasar Minggu and Depok, South Jakarta.